Animated Countdown
The animated countdown allows you to set a date in the future and display a block of numbers that is counting down each second, minute or hour.
The element got several predefined styles that you can choose from such as a default style or transparent light or dark styles that work well when used above images or colourful content.
Below you can see a countdown element inside a content column with a light blue background. The countdown is set to display as white and transparent.
Le Blog :
De l’info, de l’actu, des News …
Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur les cannabinoïdes ( CBD, CBG, CBN, etc… ), l’aquaponie et tout le reste !
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186 route de Grimard
ZA Pastin
33760 LA SAUVE
(+33)5 56 23 06 32
contact [at]
Nos horaires boutique :
Mardi au Samedi : 9h à 19h – non stop
Dimanche et Lundi : Fermé